Initiative Aleviolu serves to prepare the establishment of an international Alevi Foundation to support scientific, educational, cultural and social activities based on flame traditions and ethical values. The working areas of the International Foundation are: To conduct and encourage the collection and archiving of visual, written and verbally transmitted information…
If you want to take part in the Foundation Foundation Initiative, you can become a member or donate. You can click here to become a member or click this link to donate. The first goal of our initiative is to establish the International Foundation with 40 founding members. If you…
Our main goal: To encourage scientific, educational, research, archiving and social solidarity studies in order to maintain and promote the Alevism (Traditional / Authentic) Belief. Prior to the foundation of the Foundation, to carry out joint dialogue with other faiths, scientific, cultural and religious groups and organizations Ensuring the establishment…
The Foundation, which will be established, conducts a joint study with all flame and non-flame institutions, organizations, federations and confederations in the world and complies with the goals of the friends, associations and foundation to be established. In addition, the association can work with social and political organizations and associations…
If you would like to support the International Alevi Education and Research Foundation to be established with the intention of ”Bite iyet, you can contribute to the following bank account information as an incentive member. Bank information: Initiative zur Gründung einer internationalen Alevitischen Stiftung e.V 122655, BLZ: 48050161, Sparkasse Bielefeld…
Alevism; Allah, Muhammad, Ali carrying the holiness, the Prophet. Ali’s justice does not leave, inside, there is human love, food, denomination, respecting and respectful people who respect, language, religion, religion, ethnic, color difference, hand, waist, language that stipulates the principle and you can do it with the accounting institution they…